Child dealing with Alcoholism Alcoholism is an awful thing that families around the world have to deal with on a daily basis and can cause problems for generations down the line. It can completely destroy families from the inside. Things like mental health issues, money problems and long term psychological effects are some of the main consequences of alcoholism. By reading up on some scholarly journals and taking experience from real life events it's clear to see that these effects are quite severe. To fully understand this topic, it needs to be understood that the issue of alcoholism cannot just be a personal problem. The emotional toll alcoholism has on family members is often devastating. Children in families with an alcoholic parent, for example, are at high risk for a range of mental issues, including anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. According to the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, children of alcoholics are four times more likely to develop em...
The Growing Crisis of Teen Drinking: Implications for Health, Academic Success, and Social Development
Teen drinking has long been considered a rite of passage by some and ignored as a phase many minors go through. Instead this perspective overlooks lasting consequences of alcohol use during crucial years of ones life. The reality today is far more alarming: teenage drinking is no longer just a "phase" but a growing crisis that has serious implications for mental health, academic achievement, physical development, and social well-being. The scope of the problem is striking. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), nearly 60% of high school seniors report having consumed alcohol at least once, and almost 30% have engaged in binge drinking within the past month. These statistics are paving the concerning road for the future health of todays young adults. The reasons behind teen drinking are not just one sided reasons. Younger generations face far more peer pressure, fear of non-conformity, and increased access to alcohol far more than ol...